Tuesday 29 April 2014

Lay out - Paul

Lay out

My lay out consist of 6 parts in total. At the first of the part, heading should be located with red color, which be able to make people more pay attention on my topic. And, subheading will be followed. The color is different with heading as different color will be better to have attention more from people. The color of subheading is blue. Moreover, image about the topic is located in the next part. And then, some explanation about our topic will be followed. The color of letter is also different with heading and subheading. Finally, in order to give more information, I will use a video on my post, which help people to know how to cook and deal with the food. 

Paul ( JUYOD1301 )

Korean Traditional Food

Korean traditional food

3. KimChi

A lot of Korean eat so much this food. This is actually not a main dish, but a side dish. The food can be spicy to any other person who not live in Korea or Asia. This is now call one of the healthiest foods in the world. Most Korean ate it with every meal. What a surprising news is that some studies show the cabbage has compounds somethings that may prevent the growth of cancer. Thus, the food has been regarded as the most popular food in Korea and the healthiest food.

3.1 How to make the Kimchi ?



Korean Traditional Food

Korean Traditional Food 

2. Bibim Rice

This is also one of the most delicious foods in Korea. The food made of mix of rice, beef and different kind of vegetables cooked with garlic and sesame oil. The ingredients are cooked individually and then arranged in a stone bowl. And then, you mix everything together when you eat it. This is also quite reasonable price compared to other foods. Also, it is easy to make and eat comfortably. Thus, many Korean people prefer to eat this food.

2.1 How to cook this food ?



Monday 28 April 2014

                                                               XUZHOU FOODChili, pepper, ginger, garlic, onions, oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, dry starch, wine, watercress (or chop pepper), raw egg white, pepper. 1. The fish kill a good wash, chop off the head and tail, slice into the fish, and chop the remaining fish pieces. The fish with a little salt, cooking wine, soy protein powder and a grasping uniform, marinate for 15 minutes (head and tail and fish in another presentation, the same way pickled); 2 boil a pot of water, wash bean sprouts, blanched in boiling water, fishing into the big tub, sprinkle a little salt to taste and set aside; 3 plus three times the usual cooking oil in a clean wok, heat oil, add three tablespoons of watercress (or Boiled fish Boiled fish Duojiao) until fragrant, add ginger, garlic, onions, peppercorns, chili powder and red pepper and stir-fry over medium heat. After adding the head and tail and fish taste, turn the fire, turn absorbed, add cooking wine and soy sauce, pepper, sugar amount, continue to stir fry for a moment after, add some hot water, and salt and monosodium glutamate seasoning. Be open water to keep fire, a piece will put fish with chopsticks dial scattered, 3 to 5 minutes off the heat. The cooked fish and all the broth into a large bowl of bean sprouts just filled; 4. The other to take a clean pot, pour half a catty oil (oil depends on the size of containers ready to pour when the big tub, fish and bean sprouts all submerged subject, you can visually look). After the oil is hot, turn off the heat first dry look. Then add lots of pepper and chili pepper Stir over low heat slowly and pepper flavor. Note that the fire can not be too large, so as not to fry paste; 5 peppers change color quickly, immediately turn off the heat, put a pot of oil and chilli pepper poured together in large bowl containing fish
  •                                                                    XUZHOU FOODRock candy pork, which seems to be able to work together to where to eat vegetables, but different recipes vary from region to region, so that all have subtle differences in taste. Xuzhou people's elbows with the big rock candy pig pork-based material by boiling, steaming from. Serve the pork knuckle looks bright red color, and eat meat Sulan elbow, marinades such as plastic, taste fragrant, sweet and salty taste. The same is cooked with herbs and aniseed of ELBOW, did not smell, it is rare. ELBOW and nutritious, but also connotations large amounts of collagen, for girls is on a good increase skin elasticity and beauty of a good thing, oh. As for the boys, put aside this cosmetic effect does not say, just that big elbow posture, it is enough to make you drool over it.

    Oh, forgot to say, wait dishes on the table, you can point to a distinctive drunk peanuts. One can relieve boredom and other vegetables, and secondly, it is the owner drunk peanut home with secret sauce, it is worth a try. Soak in the secret sauce of peanuts to eat sour and sweet, sweet with incense. Xiao Bian could not help but think the whole bottle of wine, drink it a peanut on the back.                                         CHEN    LU
                                                                  XUZHOU FOODRoad cute is widely acclaimed by the people Xuzhou dishes streets in Xuzhou , a small crack with big hotels have seen its shadow. Main dish with chunks of pork , but also any combination of vegetables , eggs , soy and other ingredients. As long as you like , anything can be put inside . Considering the owner of Xuzhou vegetables to various reasons , the final decision to go with vegetarian chicken with seaweed and pork . Seems to be the shape of braised pork , a dish quite simple , actually making it complex process . Need a variety of aniseed herbal cooking , then marinated with soy sauce , stewed finished the last to go through after frying , so as to ensure the production of pork to eat greasy no firewood , fleshy texture solid, and very tasty. And this made ​​out of pork, no fishy smell completely . And the mix of seaweed and vegetarian chicken is also a long soak in the juice , the salty taste good with mellow fragrance . This dish is based on the amount of points , how much to eat meat , how much seaweed, many vegetarian chicken , diners have their own preferences under a single , eat how many points . However, because this dish cooked up consuming effort , so are stocks last day specifically to this end , if the best friend to go play phone book                                                                                            CHEN LU
                                                              XUZHOU FOOD
First thing to say is definitely one of the most characteristic of Xuzhou , Melbourne has never seen before --- chicken to pot . The origin of the pot is past Xuzhou people are in their own little yard barrier stove with stones , put a large pan , put the dish , paste dumpling , sat on the floor , fireplace and eat. To pot dishes popular in northern Jiangsu Lunan area, pinch math, dating back over a thousand years of history. The shopkeeper specially imported from China specializing in pan wok dishes , and collecting the necessary ground for each pot dishes aniseed taste , the authentic characteristics presented in front of the diners in Xuzhou . Less chicken broth to the pot , taste fresh, dense , cake dish by taste , by the pie dish fragrant , creamy and fragrant dry coexist , flavors and taste . Ground chicken pot pie is the owner of the pro- baked , cake using local produce this particular method and surface , the dough , making the bread to eat up a degree of hardness , it is chewiness . The chicken broth is absorbed the essence of juicy . Of course , in addition to pot chicken to pot dishes series also produced pork to pot , the pot duck , etc., as long as they can buy food in Melbourne , as long as you want to eat , book in advance with the owner , the owner will meet your requirements, very humane                                                                   CHEN LU

Sunday 27 April 2014

Korean traditional food - ( Paul )

Korean traditional food !

1. Seafood Fan Cake


This is a Korean traditional food. Which made of a lot of vegetables and sea foods such as mainly squid, shellfish and octopus. The reason why this is quite popular food is that making this food is really simple and easy. In addition, the price is quite reasonable and also good at health. Thus, even foreigners also are more and more finding this food these days. This dish is normally eaten with traditional rice-based wine.

1.1 How to cook the food ?



Thursday 24 April 2014

The design of layout --Michelle HE

                      Design Of Layout

  • Description
    The image was found in the google ,posting in large size that make the vision more clearly.Then the heading was setted up in blue printed character covered by purple,which can catch people's attention immediately.Refer to the body entry ,showing in large black character .In addition the subheading is acted as same as heading did.Following by the image also in large size,the content of that was presented in the below.At last,the blog will posting several relevant information from the internet such as link and Video.

                                                               JINGJU HE

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Beijing Cuisine - tanghulu-RITAMA


  • Description
Tanghulu, also called bingtanghulu, is a traditional Chinese snack of candied fruit. It is commonly available in many Chinese cities. It consists of candied fruits on bamboo skewers that are approximately 20cm long. This snack can be found widely along the Beijing snack street Wangfujing and also there are street vendors who travel from place to place selling it.
The two common names literally means "sugar bottle gourd" and "rock sugar bottle gourd" respectively. The "sugar" or "rock sugar" regers to the sugar coating, while the "bottle gourd" refers to the slight resemblance of the snack to the shape of that fruit. 

  • Details
Tanghulu typically has a hardened sugar coating that comes from dipping the skewer in sugar syrup, but versions can also be found with a second chocolate coating, or seasame sprinkles. Traditionally, the fruit used has been Chinese hawthorn, but in recent times vendors have also used various other fruits, such as cherry tomatosm, mandarin oranges, strawberries, blueberries, pineapples, kiwifruit, bananas, or grapes. 

  • Video
how to make tanghulu

Chinese cuisine - zha jiang noodles - RITAMA

Zha Jiang Noodles

  • Description

Zha jiang noodles(Literally "fried sauce noodles") is a Chinese dish consisting of thick wheat noodles topped with a mixture of ground pork stir-fried with zhajiang, which is salty fermented soybean paste. It is said that it tastes better with hand pulled noodles.
In Beijing cuisine, yellow soybean paste is used, while in Tianjin and other parts of China tianmianjiang, hoisin sauce, or broad (fava) bean sauce may be used in place of the yellow soybean paste. Soy sauce can also be used instead of the soybean paste. Simplified Chinese also means fried sauce, as the sauce itself is fried, although this homonym does not carry over into the Tratitional Chinese term which describes the actual bean paste. 

  • Details

Here is a rough sketch of making zhajiang noodles.

  1. Dice scallions and, if desired, garlic;
  2. Stir-fry the spring onions and garlic until they are slightly brown;
  3. Add meat to the wok. Stir fry the ground meat until it is slightly brown;
  4. Add the yellow soybean sauce, sweet bean sauce, broad bean paste, soy sauce or hoisin sauce to the mixture with some water and simmer;
  5. Serve this meat sauce over noodles. If desired, add condiments like shredded carrots, shredded cucumbers, bean sprouts, cilantro, scrambled eggs, shredded Chinese cabbage, fresh soybeans/edamame, vinegar and hot sauce.

  • Video

How to make Zha Jiang Noodles


Chinese cuisine - peking duck - RITAMA

Peking Duck


  • Description:

Peking duck is a famous duck dish from Beijing that has been prepared since the imperial era, and is now considered a national dish of China. Duck has been roasted in China since the Southern and Northern Dynasties. A variation of toast duck was prepared for the Emperor of China in the Yuan Dynasty. The dish, originally named "Shaoyazi", was mentioned in the Complete Recipes for Dishes and Beverages manual in 1330 by Hu Sihui, an inspector of the imperial kitchen. The Peking Roast Duck that came to be associated with the term was fully developed during the later Ming Dynasty, ans by then, Peking Duck was one of the main dishes on imperial court menus.

  • Details:

The dish is prized for the thin, crisp skin, with authentic versions of the dish serving mostly the skin and little meat, sliced in front of the diners by the cook. Ducks bred specially for the dish are slaughtered after 65 days and seasoned before being roasted in a closed or hung oven. The meat is eaten with pancakes, scallion, and hoisin sauce or sweet bean sauce. Two notable restaurants in Beijing which serve this dish are Quanjude and Bianyifang, two centuries-old establishments which have become household names.

  • Video:

(how to make peking duck)


Beijing Cuisine - RITAMA

Beijing Cuisine

  • Description:

Beijing cuisine, also known as Jing cuisine and Mandarin cuisine, is the traditional food of Beijing.As the capital city of China for centuries, its cuisine is influenced by culinary traditions from all over China. Another tradition that influenced Beijing cuisine is the Chinese imperial cuisine that originated from the "Emperor's Kitchen", which referred to the cooking facilities inside the Forbidden City, where thousands of cooks from different parts of China showed their best culinary skills to please the imperial family and officials. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to determine the actual origin of a dish as the term "Mandarin" is generalised and refers not only to Beijing, but other provinces as well.However, some generalisation of Beijing cuisine can be characterised as follows: Foods that originated in Beijing are often snacks rather than main courses, and they are typically sold by small shops or street vendors.

  • Details:

But as a native Beijing people, I like Beijing food more. I'd therefore recommend three my favourite Beijing food to you:

  1. Peking Duck
  2. Zha Jiang Noodles
  3. Tanghulu

  • Video:



Design Layout


The topic of this blog is about food. So the main reason to use red as the background theme is because this color make people a good appete, and use yellow as the font colour is beacuse red and yellow is the colour of beijing.
Each of my following post will contain 5 parts: first will be the "Name of the Blog", following by a picture of the food, after that is the brief description of the food, the forth part is the details of the food, and the last one will be some extra information of it. About the "extra information", only when I can not find a proper video in relating to the food, I will try to add more details about it to help us get more familiar with it. 


Monday 21 April 2014

The Stir-fried Rice Noodles-JINGJU HE


Stir-fired Rice Noodles with Beef

The Stir-fried Rice Noodles with Beef (Beef chow fun, 乾炒牛河) is a classic Cantonese noodles.
It made by a simple rice noodle and the beef,adding some source and scallion .In GUANGDONG people used to eat this food every day,it seems like a necessary part of their routine life.In my memory, the stir-fired rice noodles with beef can be saw in every restaurant with a large component and cheapest price.In addition ,this food can mix up with the vegetables ,that  is taste good!

  • Ingredients:

1.500 gm flat rice noodles 
2.150 gm beef
3.1/2 onion, shredded
4.120 gm bean sprouts, trimmed
5.shredded ginger, to taste
6.1 stalk spring onion, chopped

  • Marinade:

1. 1/2 tsp light soy sauce
2.1/4 tsp dark soy sauce
3.1 tsp corn flour
4.3/4 tsp sugar
5.2 tsp water
6.sesame oil, to taste
8.2 Tbsp light soy sauce
9.1 Tbsp dark soy sauce, or to taste
10.Salt, to taste
11.1 tsp Sugar

                                                               JINGJU HE                                                             

The worse smelling Tofu!!--JINGJU HE

Stinky tofu

Stinky tofu or chòu dòufu is a form of fermented tofu that has a strong odour . It is a snack that is usually sold at night markets or roadside stands or as a side dish in lunch bars rather than in restaurants.
It smells worse than it looks and it actually tastes better than it smells or looks! Stinky tofu is often the culprit when entire sidewalks full of people are choked out as they are engulfed in a thick haze of stench. With enough of the right seasoning (you can see they use a lot), this traditional dish actually ain’t half bad.

  • History

According to folk stories, stinky tofu was invented by a person named Wang Zhi He (王致和) in the Qing dynasty. However the versions of the exact story are quite varied.

  • Different Types of Stinky tofu

Stinky tofu is made and consumed in different ways in various areas of China. For example, the types of dried stinky tofu made in Changsha and Shaoxing are made with different methods, and the resulting flavours are very different. Huo Gong Dian (a stinky tofu shop in Changsha) makes the tofu with yellow soybeans marinated in seasoning. The stinky tofu sold in Tianjin is mostly made in the Nanjing style, with a mild aroma. In Shanghai, stinky tofu is fried and sold on streets, typically served with a spicy or sweet sauce. It is also served as a condiment to Congee often as a part of a regular breakfast meal. In Chongqing, stinky tofu on the streets is usually fried and dipped in a mixture of, typically, coriander (cilantro) leaves, scallions, chili powder, Sichuan pepper and oil. Stinky tofu is also sometimes dipped in Sichuan spicy hot pots.

                        CHANG SHA Stinky tofu

                        NANG JING Stinky tofu

                        TAI WAN Stinky tofu

  • Personal Conclusion  

However,a lots of foreign people enjoy this kind of food,because of its special smelling.Personally speaking,the stinky tofu is one of typical food in China ,which is showing the intelligent of our ancestors.

                                                                                                    JINGJU HE

Buddha Jumps Over the Wall---JINGJU HE

Buddha Jumps Over the Wall

Buddha Jumps Over the Wall is a famous Fujianese dish most often served at lavish banquets. Preparing the dish is difficult and time-consuming, for it brings together many different ingredients.

  • History

The earliest mention of the phrase “Buddha Jumps over the Wall” appears in a book from the Song dynasty (960-1279). Stories abound as to the origin of the dish’s colorful name. According to one version, the fragrant smell of the dish was so powerful that it induced a Buddhist monk to climb over the monastery wall to get a taste of it. Another version says that a monk prepared the dish one day, adding many nonvegetarian ingredients to his stew, and that when he was caught eating it he had to leap over his monastery walls to escape. But it is impossible to prove or disprove either of these versions. 

  • Buddha Jumps Over the Wall and contains

1.Shark’s fin
3.Japanese flower mushroom 
4.Sea cucumber 
5.Dried scallops 
7.Huan ham
8.Pork and ginseng 
Due to its unique nature, the dish has to be pre-ordered 5 days in advance.

  • Relevant Information

Taiwanese Banquet Dishes--Wu, fine food program host, Broadcasting Corporation of China

Sunday 20 April 2014

The Wonton Soup--JINGJU HE

Wonton Soup (馄饨汤)

As a sort of traditional food in China, wonton  originated in North China. A wonton (also spelled wantan, wanton, or wuntun in transcription from Cantonese; Mandarin: húntun [xwə̌n.dwə̌n]) is a type of dumpling commonly found in a number of Chinese cuisines。
Wonton has a long history. There existed numerous wonton restaurants in cities in the Tang and Song Dynasties. Wonton was featured by clear soup and delicate stuffing at that time. Its fineness was ever appraised by poets and was hard to achieve by common people. In ancient times, it was a custom in some regions to eat wonton on the midwinter day, which is said to has bearing on a famous doctor — Zhang Zhongjing. He ever stuffed wonton with medicinal materials on the midwinter day to cure villagers who suffered frostbite. Wonton’s function as a medicinal dish was also recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica.

  • Detail of making the Wrapper

Wontons are made by spreading a square wrapper (a dough skin made of flour, egg, water, and salt)flat in the palm of one's hand, placing a small amount of filling in the center, and sealing the wonton into the desired shape by compressing the wrapper's edges together with the fingers. Adhesion may be improved by moistening the wrapper's inner edges, typically by dipping a fingertip into water and running it across the dry dough to dissolve the extra flour. As part of the sealing process, air is pressed out of the interior to avoid rupturing the wonton from internal pressure when cooked.

  • Ingredients:

½ pound pork 
1 Tablespoon scallions(chopped green onion), finely chopped
1 egg, beaten
1 teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon cooking wine
1 Tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon sesame oil (optional)
1 Tablespoon water
2 packages wonton paper
3 cans (15 ounces each) chicken or other broth (about 6 cups)

  • Procedure:

Mix ground pork , scallions, egg, salt, cooking wine, sugar, sesame oil, and water in a bowl.
Place 1 teaspoon of meat mixture in the center of a wonton skin.
Moisten the edges of wonton skin with water and fold it to form a triangle. Press the edges together to seal.
Fill and fold the rest of the wonton skins.
Bring a large pot of water to a boil to cook the wontons.
In another pot, heat the broth. (Wontons will be cooked first in the boiling water and then added to the broth.)
Add a few wontons at a time to the boiling water, giving them room to float freely. Cook over medium heat 8 to 10 minutes.
Add the cooked wontons to hot broth. Use about 3 dozen wontons for 6 cups of broth.

                                                                                                                                                  JINGJU HE